MSB Revinge

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  3. MSB Revinge
Events at this venue

Skånsk Brandskyddsdag

MSB Revinge Räddningsvägen 14, Södra Sandby, Sweden

The Scania Fire Protection Association welcomes everyone to this year's Scania Fire Protection Day on September 12. This year's theme is Environment and sustainability. Event site

Skånsk Brandskyddsdag 2023

MSB Revinge Räddningsvägen 14, Södra Sandby, Sweden

Meet Cold Cut Systems at Skånsk Brandskyddsdag, an event carried out in collaboration between the Skåne Fire Protection Association, the Skåne-Blekinge Fire Commander's Association, and The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) Revinge, offering seminars and lectures for the industry's leading representatives in southern Sweden. Event website