Deep-Seated Fires

Deep-Seated Fires

Deep-seated fires, wildfires, can last for a long time, they are difficult to see and easily cause damage to the ecology of sensitive environmental areas, both during fire and during extinction. Definition Deep-Seated Fire A fire burning far below the surface in duff,...
Heat Shielding

Heat Shielding

A burning building can create enormous amounts of radiant heat, and there is always a risk that this heat will cause a fire in neighbouring properties. Simultaneous fires in two or more properties will require significant resources to prevent further spread. For some...
Aviation Fire

Aviation Fire

An aircraft fire involves many risks and is a highly dynamic situation where rapid heat build-up leads to the release of large quantities of explosive and flammable vapours, increasing the risk of flashover and backdraft. Modern aircraft structures are made of...
Large Warehouse Fire

Large Warehouse Fire

A large fire in an industrial building such as a warehouse can present significant risks to firefighters, especially if the warehouse contains hazardous materials or materials which may make the fire burn more intensely. Entry into such fires can be hazardous, and...
Attics & Roof Spaces

Attics & Roof Spaces

Fires in attics and roof spaces present many risks to firefighters, including limited access, unstable floors, roof collapse, high temperatures, and working at height. Attics in apartment buildings are often used as storage for the occupants, which means there is...


A high-rise fire is one type of structural fire, specific to tall buildings and is technically challenging: they require high degrees of organisation and teamwork between all active firefighting units to control and extinguish. Definition There is no internationally...