Firefighter at Work Day


Brandman på jobbet-dagen - Tuesday, 5th September 2023.

The successful Brandman på jobbet-dagen (Firefighter at Work Day) is being celebrated for the fifth consecutive year. This year’s date is Tuesday, September 5th, 2023. The purpose of the day is to make on-call firefighters and their main employers visible and, at the same time, strengthen the interest in working in the rescue service.

With an incredible turnout from rescue services, firefighters, and main employers around Sweden, the first Firefighter at Work Day was held in 2019. The media coverage was extensive, including newspaper articles, radio broadcasts, and television features. On social media, under the hashtag #brandmanpåjobbet, firefighters were seen in all aspects of their everyday jobs. A great and fun initiative!

When he is not working as an on-call firefighter at the Greater Gothenburg Rescue Service, we are happy to have Fredrik Blom working with us at Cold Cut Systems. We encourage other companies to give their employees the chance to combine two important jobs!

If there is a similar day in your country, please let us know!


Learn more about Brandman på jobbet-dagen

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