Cobra Instructor courses 2023

Cobra Instructor courses 2023

The Instructor course consists of an e-learning course with Cobra theory and two days at the training venue with practical exercises. The courses are held at the training venue Guttasjön, Borås, Sweden. We can also run the Cobra Instructor course at your local...
Cobra Instructor Course

Cobra Instructor Course

  The Cobra Instructor Course is a three-day training course. The aim of the course is to train firefighting instructors in the safe and efficient use of the Cobra system. This will enable them to train Cobra Operators according to Cobra methods and to integrate...
Cobra Incident Commander Course

Cobra Incident Commander Course

The Cobra Incident Commander Course is a theoretical half-day course delivered by highly experienced Cobra Senior Instructors and covers tactical training in decision-making on the use of Cobra in fireground operations. In the course, participants learn about how to...
Wind-driven fires

Wind-driven fires

Even more important is that everything we say is based on facts and experiences, both our own and that of our users. In this article in IFSJ written by our own Bernie Higgins, you can learn more about a recent evaluation using Cobra on a simulated wind-driven fire....
Choose the safer option

Choose the safer option

Use Cobra to reduce heat and toxic fire gases before entering the fire compartment. Safer, Cleaner & More Efficient Firefighting. Safer, Cleaner & More Efficient...